Idc Herzliya Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Idc Herzliya is +972 9-952-7388, +972-9-960-2841 .
The Interdisciplinary Center Hertzliya is private educational institution and not-for-profit corporate entity established in 1994. This institute is dedicated to the excellency in the education sector. This center was developed by an Israeli scholar Uriel Reichman Aims to create an Israeli university where personal achievement goes to the general public with the accomplishment of the social responsibilities. It provides the world class infrastructure and a professional environment for the higher studies to the students. This institute is certified to the Israeli Council for Higher Education and are recognized worldwide. More than seven thousand students are getting education from there. The address and contact number of Idc Herzliya is also used for Idc Herzliya Ranking, Idc Herzliya Admissions, Idc Herzliya Tuition, Idc Herzliya Jobs, Idc Herzliya Calendar, Idc Herzliya Counter Terrorism and Idc Herzliya Application.

Fax number is +972-9-952-7334.

Idc Herzliya Address

The address of Idc Herzliya is Inter disciplinary Center, PO Box 167, 1, Kanfei Nesharim Street, Hertzliya, Israel-46150.

Idc Herzliya Email Address

The email address of Idc Herzliya is

Idc Herzliya Website

The Website of Idc Herzliya is

Idc Herzliya Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Idc Herzliya is +972 9-952-7388, +972-9-960-2841 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Idc Herzliya Service Center and Idc Herzliya customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Idc Herzliya customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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