Ifb Ambala Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ifb Ambala is 9467811320, 9813398208 .
IFB Industries Limited is India based private company of household products, which was founded as Indian Fine Blanks Limited on September 12th, 1974 having headquarters in Kolkata, India. The company was opened with the help of one other Switzerland-based company, Hienrich Schmid AG. IFBIL is divided into two manufacturing divisions, home appliances and fine blanks. In the field of fine blanks, the company makes straighteners, strip loaders, decoilers and such other engineering components. In home appliances division, it has introduced several models of washing machines, refrigerators, dishwashers, microwaves, chimneys, hobs and such other small and major appliances. Ifb has also opened many service centers across the country with well trained and experienced technicians. Sodhi Electricals is a multi-brand service center of home appliances, which is located at Ambala City in Haryana. The maintenance center provides services for Godrej, IFB and such other appliances brands. Hours of Operation: Monday to Saturday 09:30 am to 06:30 pm, and closed on Sundays. The Corresponding services of Ifb Ambala service center are Ifb customer care Ambala and Ifb Ambala contact number.

Ifb Ambala Address

The address of Ifb Ambala is No. 626/11-B, Near Manav Chownk, Guru Arjan Pura, Ambala City, Haryana, India.

Ifb Ambala Website

The Website of Ifb Ambala is www.ifbappliances.com.

Ifb Ambala Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ifb Ambala is 9467811320, 9813398208 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ifb Ambala Service Center and Ifb Ambala customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ifb Ambala customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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