Ifb Authorised Bangalore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ifb Authorised Bangalore is 9448518364, 8041537325 .
IFB Industries Limited (IFBIL) is simply and mostly referred to as IFB, is an India based famous brand name of household products. It makes almost all small and large home appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, chimneys, hobs, microwaves and others products through six manufacturing plants. The six plants are located at Kolkata, Ilhas, Selcete, Gangarampur, Bengaluru and Bhopal. Ifb is in this business since 1974 as Indian Fine Blanks Limited by the joint venture with the Hienrich Schmid AG of Switzerland. IFB is mostly known for the unique production of washing machines, and its some too popular models are: IFB AW60 205T Automatic, IFB Elite VX Washing Machine, IFB Senorita SX Automatic, IFB AW6501SB Automatic, IFB Executive VX Automatic and much more. IFB also provides one SMS care services to users, where users can raise their issues. SMS "IFB" and send to 58888. IFB's services centers are equipped with well trained and experienced technicians across the country. They technicians are capable in the providing of fastest and superior repairs and services for small and major home appliances.

Ifb Authorised Bangalore Address

The address of Ifb Authorised Bangalore is Hosahatti Complex, Opposite Ganesh General Stores, Kodigehalli Main Road, Kodigehalli 560092, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Ifb Authorised Bangalore Website

The Website of Ifb Authorised Bangalore is www.ifbappliances.com.

Ifb Authorised Bangalore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ifb Authorised Bangalore is 9448518364, 8041537325 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ifb Authorised Bangalore Service Center and Ifb Authorised Bangalore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ifb Authorised Bangalore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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