Imu Malaysia Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Imu Malaysia is +603 8656 7228, +603 8656 8813, +603 2731 7540 .
IMU Malaysia is stand for the International Medical University that is the premier training Institute of medical and healthcare education. In 1992, the International Medical University or Imu was formerly opened as the International Medical College (IMC). Imc was the first educational institute of medical in the country. The college name had been shifted into the International Medical University in the year 1999. IMU is also known as the first medical and healthcare University of the nation committed to healthcare education. The University offers internationally recognized academic programs to both local and foreigner students in the several sectors of healthcare including Dental, Nursing, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Dietetics, Nursing Science (Hons), Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Medical Biotechnology, Chiropractic, Biomedical Science, and Psychology. The address and contact number of Imu Malaysia is also used for Imu Malaysia Courses, Imu Partner Medical Schools, Imu Malaysia Fees, Imu Malaysia Scholarship, Imu Malaysia Review, Imu Malaysia Application and Imu Malaysia Forum.

Imu Malaysia Address

The address of Imu Malaysia is No 126, Jalan Jalil Perkasa 19, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur-57000, Malaysia.

Imu Malaysia Email Address

The email address of Imu Malaysia is,

Imu Malaysia Website

The Website of Imu Malaysia is

Imu Malaysia Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Imu Malaysia is +603 8656 7228, +603 8656 8813, +603 2731 7540 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Imu Malaysia Service Center and Imu Malaysia customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Imu Malaysia customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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