Ingram Park Mall Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ingram Park Mall is (210) 523-1228 .
Ingram Park Mall is a shopping center which is located in San Antonio City of Texas. The mall was opened for public in year 1979 which is owned by Simon property group. The mall covers a whopping area of 105,000 meter square and build with two floors. More than 140 stores, food courts and outlets are present in the mall. The venue is widely visited by people during Evening time and it is a one stop shop for age of customers. The entertainment center, food courts, restaurants, kids section, theaters and decorative attraction place are the favorite spots of people in the mall. The place is lively for all fun loving audience and mostly enjoyed by teenagers. The timing of mall is from morning 10 am till 9 pm in the evening. The address and contact number of Ingram Park Mall is also used for Ingram Park Mall Nail Salon, Ingram Park Mall Security, Ingram Park Mall Movie Theater, Ingram Park Mall Jobs, Ingram Park Mall Barber Shop, Ingram Park Mall Optometrist and Ingram Park Mall Foot Locker.

Ingram Park Mall Address

The address of Ingram Park Mall is 6301 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78238-3898, United States of America.

Ingram Park Mall Website

The Website of Ingram Park Mall is

Ingram Park Mall Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ingram Park Mall is (210) 523-1228 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ingram Park Mall Service Center and Ingram Park Mall customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ingram Park Mall customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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