Inifd Indore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Inifd Indore is 0731-3045117-18 .
INIFD is also abbreviated as Inter National Institute of Fashion Design which is a world's leading fashion institution which offers a number of courses in fashion, Textile and Interior Design. It was commenced its operations in the year 1986 with presence in 200 Indian centers. Inifd provides its educational services to approximately 20,000 students. The headquarters of INIFD is located in New Delhi, India which is authorized by International Accreditation Organization. In Indore, it was began in April, 1999 which is ranked no. 1 Institute of Central India in the areas of Design and Education. It was awarded at a National Level Annual Interior Design competition. It has a large number of facilities like Foyer Area, State of Art Facilities, Library and Fashion Design Labs. There is a group of Professional Architects, qualified administrative staff members and designers. The address and contact number of Inifd Indore is also used for Inifd Indore admission, Inifd Indore fees and Inifd Indore interior designing.
Fax Number: 0731-3045114

Inifd Indore Address

The address of Inifd Indore is 2nd Floor, Laxmi Tower, 576, MG Road, Opposite Treasure Island Mall, Indore - 452008, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Inifd Indore Website

The Website of Inifd Indore is

Inifd Indore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Inifd Indore is 0731-3045117-18 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Inifd Indore Service Center and Inifd Indore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Inifd Indore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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