Institute of Development Studies Kolkata Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Institute of Development Studies Kolkata is +91-33-23213120/21, Fax No:+91-33-23213119 .
The Institute of Development Studies (IDSK) is an independent research institute located in Salt Lake, Kolkata. The institute is dedicated for various growth research and relevant subfields including health, literacy, education, employment, communication human sciences, women, technology and economic development. The IDSK also provides educational courses in PhD and MPhil programs to research students in social sciences and brief coaching courses.

The Institute of Development Studies has performed a field study based research program on knowledge and primary training in the state, some results of which have been released as working documents. The institute has also completed a research task on Public Health, Nourishment and Medication, and it has performed a research of in-service training programs in some districts of the state.

The IDSK was established by the Government of West Bengal in the year 2002 as an independent center of quality in public sciences. It is a society with an autonomous governing body with one of the most eminent historians in India. To know more information about The Institute of Development Studies (IDSK), log on to the official website.

Institute of Development Studies Kolkata Address

The address of Institute of Development Studies Kolkata is 27/D, DD Block, Sector I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064, West Bengal, India..

Institute of Development Studies Kolkata Email Address

The email address of Institute of Development Studies Kolkata is,

Institute of Development Studies Kolkata Website

The Website of Institute of Development Studies Kolkata is

Institute of Development Studies Kolkata Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Institute of Development Studies Kolkata is +91-33-23213120/21, Fax No:+91-33-23213119 (Click phone number to call).

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