Intex Amritsar Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Intex Amritsar is 9915283256, 0183-5013256 .
Intex is the first domestic company to launch India’s cheapest
Dual SIM QWERTY mobile phone. Intex company deals in 29 products groups like mobile phones, multimedia speakers, LED/LCD TVs, CRT TV, DVD players, Computer UPS, cabinets, headphones, web cameras, 3G data card, and antivirus security software and so on. Intex is an Indian Mobile, IT and Consumer Electronics Company. Intex founded on 1996, now Intex has 30 branches and over 500 service points. Intex is divided into six divisions which are IT accessories, mobile phones and accessories, consumer electronics, security software, retail and enterprise solutions. Intex achieved SMB Champion Award from Intel in August 2010. Intex got 84th rank amongst the 200 fastest growing IT companies.

Intex Amritsar Address

The address of Intex Amritsar is 49, SETHI COMPLEX, OPP JOSAN MARKET, HALL BAZAR, AMRITSAR-.

Intex Amritsar Email Address

The email address of Intex Amritsar is

Intex Amritsar Website

The Website of Intex Amritsar is

Intex Amritsar Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Intex Amritsar is 9915283256, 0183-5013256 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Intex Amritsar Service Center and Intex Amritsar customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Intex Amritsar customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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