John Hancock Center Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of John Hancock Center is +1 312-751-1301 .
The John Hancock center is one of those buildings, in which it is considered to be highest residence building in United States of America. The company who owns the center is Golub & Company. The construction of this building started in year 1965 and completed in 1970. The estimates cost of center is around 100,000,000 American Dollars. Building includes home, office, cabin, restaurant, gymnasium, swimming pool and dining hall. The 50 story tall building is having 50 elevators. The center is named after John Hancock Insurance company. The architecture of center is Skidmore, Owings and Merrill one of the renowned designers of that time. The center stand tall at a height of 1,500 feet. The address and contact number of John Hancock Center is also used for John Hancock tower, John Hancock Center parking, John Hancock Center condos, John Hancock Center Boston, John Hancock Center watch dogs and John Hancock Center bar.

John Hancock Center Address

The address of John Hancock Center is 875 North Michigan Avenue 1648 Chicago, Illinois 60611, United States.

John Hancock Center Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of John Hancock Center is +1 312-751-1301 (Click phone number to call).

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