Kilmainham Gaol Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Kilmainham Gaol is +353 1 453 5984 .
Kilmainham Gaol is a previous jail in Kilmainham in Dublin, which is converted to a museum. The museum has been operated since 1980s by the OPW, an government body in the country. It has the significance part in history of the country, as several leaders of it were imprisoned and some hang till death in the jail by the British. The prison is developed in 1796 and was known as New Gaol to identified it from the old old. The jail is formally known as County of Dublin Gaol operated by Grand Jury. The address and contact number of Kilmainham Gaol is also used for Kilmainham Gaol historical museum, Kilmainham Gaol tickets, Kilmainham Gaol history, Kilmainham Gaol haunted, Kilmainham Gaol map, Kilmainham Gaol parking and Kilmainham Gaol pronunciation.

Fax No: +353 1 453 2037

Kilmainham Gaol Address

The address of Kilmainham Gaol is Inchicore Road, Dublin 8, Ireland.

Kilmainham Gaol Email Address

The email address of Kilmainham Gaol is

Kilmainham Gaol Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Kilmainham Gaol is +353 1 453 5984 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Kilmainham Gaol Service Center and Kilmainham Gaol customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Kilmainham Gaol customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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