Lake Harriet Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lake Harriet is (612) 230-6475 .
Lake Harriet is well known exquisite lake, which is the part of 'chain of lake' that includes many lakes of the city: Cedar Lake, Brownie Lake, Lake of the Isles and Lake Calhoun. The Lake has total water area of 344 acres, and land area is 64 acres. Lake Harriet features trailing area and biking area around the lake which makes it one of the best destinations for adventure lovers. Apart from this, many summer concerts and water games are organized at the lake. There is also a facility of fresh drinking water and food inside the lake premises. It also features two supervised beaches including North and Southeast that feature swimming floating docks and fishing dock, The place is considered the best place of picnicking, walking, jogging, boating and many other water activities. The address and contact number of Lake Harriet is also used for Lake Harriet Rose Garden, Lake Harriet Bandshell, Lake Harriet Vet and Lake Harriet Trolley.

Lake Harriet Address

The address of Lake Harriet is 4135 West Lake Harriet Parkway Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America.

Lake Harriet Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lake Harriet is (612) 230-6475 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lake Harriet Service Center and Lake Harriet customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lake Harriet customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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