Lake of the Woods Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lake of the Woods is +1(866)-201-4194, +1(541)-949-8300 .
Lake of the Woods is a historic family resort near the natural Lake called 'lake of the woods'. The resort is well known for its various recreational activities like fishing, hiking, water skiing, fly fishing, sailing etc. Boating facility is also available near the lake where visitors can enjoy boating as there are many types of boats available here such as paddle boat, motor boat, pontoon boat etc. Lake of the Woods has restaurant and bar which offer perfect dining facilities, and has arrangement for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A Lodge is also inside the resort called 'Summer lodge', that serves all the basic lodging services. Apart from this, there are few shops also setup inside the resort including gift shops, apparel shop and other sundries. The address and contact number of Lake of the Woods is also used for Lake Of The Woods Map, Lake Of The Woods Resorts, Lake Of The Woods Fishing, Lake Of The Woods Hospital and Lake Of The Woods Houseboats.

Lake of the Woods Address

The address of Lake of the Woods is 950 Harriman Route, Klamath Falls, Oregon, United States.

Lake of the Woods Email Address

The email address of Lake of the Woods is

Lake of the Woods Website

The Website of Lake of the Woods is

Lake of the Woods Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lake of the Woods is +1(866)-201-4194, +1(541)-949-8300 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lake of the Woods Service Center and Lake of the Woods customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lake of the Woods customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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