Laval University Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Laval University is +1 418-656-2131 .
Laval University is one of the Canadian oldest universities that was established in the year 1663. It is a public university situated at 2325 University Street Quebec City, Canada. The university has strength of more than 37,000 students. The Laval University is affiliated to AUCC, CARL, IAU, AUFC, UArctic, ACU, CIS, QSSF, CBIE and U15. The university provides undergraduate and postgraduate courses regarding Philosophy, Medicine, Administrative Sciences, Agriculture, Science and Engineering. The university campus is spread in an area of around 1.2 square kilomerter. The campus has approximately thirty buildings. The university has a sports team namely Rouge-et-Or. The address and contact number of Laval University is also used for Laval University Residence, Laval University English, Laval University Athletics, Laval University Ranking, Laval University Mba, Laval University Faculty of Medicine, Laval University Football Stadium and Laval University Football Roster .

Laval University Address

The address of Laval University is 2325 University Street Quebec City, QC G1V 0A6, Canada.

Laval University Website

The Website of Laval University is

Laval University Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Laval University is +1 418-656-2131 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Laval University Service Center and Laval University customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Laval University customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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