Lee Kuan Yew Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lee Kuan Yew is 66843044 .
Lee Kuan Yew recognizes as father of Singapore was the first Prime Minister of the country. The Singapore politician was born on 16 September 1923. He is also founder of modern Singapore. Lee was the co-founder of People's Action Party and led it to eight victories. He is the longest serving minister in world and is the most influential politician across Asia. Lee had announced his retirement from the cabinet along with Goh (Second Prime Minister) after 2011 elections.

Fax NO: 66843045
The address and contact number of Lee Kuan Yew is also used for Lee Kuan Yew Contributions, Lee Kuan Yew Net Worth, Lee Kuan Yew Biography and Lee Kuan Yew Leadership.

Lee Kuan Yew Address

The address of Lee Kuan Yew is Blk 127, Kim Tian Road, 02-01 Singapore 160127.

Lee Kuan Yew Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lee Kuan Yew is 66843044 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lee Kuan Yew Service Center and Lee Kuan Yew customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lee Kuan Yew customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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