Lenovo Varanasi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lenovo Varanasi is 0542-2227550 .
Lenovo is a China based multinational company that serves worldwide in IT and telecommunication field. Lenovo began its operation in the year of 1984 by Liu Chuanzhi(Born April 29, 1944), who is belong to Zhenjiang, China. Lenovo makes Desktop PCs, servers, notebooks, computers, televisions, netbooks, printers, scanners, storage devices and Computer related equipment. Besides this, the company is also providing affordable mobile phone and smart-phones with latest technologies and features for consumer sectors. Toll Free No: 1-800-3000-9990. Lenovo has many service center branches in Varanasi, and among them, MJ Enterprises is one of the service centers of Lenovo which offers repairing services for computers and laptops of Lenovo brand. Besides repairing, the service center is also sells computers, laptops and accessories.

Lenovo Varanasi Address

The address of Lenovo Varanasi is C-5, Vinay Kunj, Chandrika Naar, Opposite Arihant Complex, Sigra, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Lenovo Varanasi Website

The Website of Lenovo Varanasi is www.lenovo.com.

Lenovo Varanasi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lenovo Varanasi is 0542-2227550 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lenovo Varanasi Service Center and Lenovo Varanasi customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lenovo Varanasi customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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