Lenovo Worli Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lenovo Worli is 022-40272400, 9833540088 .
Lenovo Group Limited is a China based Computer hardware and electronics company that was founded in 1984 with its headquarters located in Beijing, China. The company had taken its first step by Liu Chuanzhi to the making of computer related products for rural markets. Then, after the views of the international markets's demands, the company had started the productions of their products for worldwide people. The company has also opened its other main office in North Carolina, USA. The company controls its worldwide business with the help of USA and Beijing based headquarters. The company has a strong staff with 1,700 engineers, and they have received approximately 100 design awards by the satisfaction of worldwide customers. The brand is involved in the manufacturing of personal computers, laptops, mobile phone and such other electronics products. In India, the company is operating as Lenovo India Private Limited, and the company has also acquired a good reputation by the providing of its services through the strong network of retailers, distributors and service centers. Apl Solutions Pvt Ltd is one of the leading service centers of Lenovo located in Worli, an area in Mumbai.

Lenovo Worli Address

The address of Lenovo Worli is No. 25, Madhu Estate, P B Marg, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Lenovo Worli Email Address

The email address of Lenovo Worli is midhcare@lenovo.com.

Lenovo Worli Website

The Website of Lenovo Worli is www.lenovo.com.

Lenovo Worli Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lenovo Worli is 022-40272400, 9833540088 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lenovo Worli Service Center and Lenovo Worli customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lenovo Worli customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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