Lg Electronics Bangalore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lg Electronics Bangalore is 080 4219 6115 .
LG is a South Korean Company incorporated on January 5, 1947. It is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. Koo Bon-Moo is the chairman and CEO of the company while Yu Sig Kang has been designated as the vice chairman. Lg has the strength of over 220,000 employees and is one of the largest consumer Electronic companies that produces Electronics, chemicals, telecommunications, engineering, information technology and power generation. LG Electronics, LG Display, LG Telecom, LG Chem, LG Life Sciences, LG Solar Energy are subsidiaries of the LG corporation. LG has established itself in the list of the top 100 global brands. The Corresponding services of Lg Electronics Bangalore service center are Lg Electronics Bangalore office, Lg Mobile service center and Lg service center location.

Lg Electronics Bangalore Address

The address of Lg Electronics Bangalore is 3351, Rajaguru Mansion, Krishna Rajendra Road, Banashankari, Bangalore, Karnataka 560070, India.

Lg Electronics Bangalore Website

The Website of Lg Electronics Bangalore is www.lg.com.

Lg Electronics Bangalore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lg Electronics Bangalore is 080 4219 6115 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lg Electronics Bangalore Service Center and Lg Electronics Bangalore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lg Electronics Bangalore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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