Lg Fridge Lucknow Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lg Fridge Lucknow is 1800-180-9999 .
LG Fridge is a kitchen equipment that is designed by Lg Electronics to keep foods, fruits, milk and vegetables cool and fresh for some days. There are many types of fridges including Top Mount Fridge, Bottom Mount Fridge, Side by Side Fridge and French Door Fridge. Besides LG Electronics, the product is also manufactured and sold by many other electronics companies across the world. The following manufacturing companies are: Samsung, LG, Whirlpool, Kelvinator, Elctrolux, Maytag, Godrej, KitchenAid, Bosch, Frigidaire and many more. It is not possible to say that which brand is the best in these brands, because all brands are manufactured its models on customer demands. LG has introduced various model of fridges with best prices during the journey of approximately 55 years, and sold its models in all over the world. LG's fridge models are: GR-J287PGHV, GC-J237AGXN, GC-M237AGNN, GC-L217BSXV, GC-B40BSSRJ, GC-L217BPXV and much more. It has manufactured its all models in all fridges categories including Single Door, Double Door, Multi Door and Side by Side. To the providing of repair services for its models, LG has opened its own authorized service centers in all over the world. The Corresponding services of Lg Fridge Lucknow service center are Lg Fridge authorized service center and Lg Fridge price in Lucknow.

Lg Fridge Lucknow Address

The address of Lg Fridge Lucknow is LGEIL, 537, Hari Kunj, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lukhnow, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Lg Fridge Lucknow Email Address

The email address of Lg Fridge Lucknow is serviceindia@lge.com.

Lg Fridge Lucknow Website

The Website of Lg Fridge Lucknow is www.lg.com.

Lg Fridge Lucknow Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lg Fridge Lucknow is 1800-180-9999 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lg Fridge Lucknow Service Center and Lg Fridge Lucknow customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lg Fridge Lucknow customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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