Linvilla Orchards Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Linvilla Orchards is +1 610-876-7116 .
Linvilla Orchard is a family farm devoted to entertainment, education, Farming and recreational activities. It is situated in the Borough of Media, Pennsylvania. The farm is expanded into area of 300 acre land. Originally it was opened by Arthur Linvill and his Mother Lydia in the year 1914 for the purpose of Dairy Farming and Orchards Farming. But by the passage of time it became famous farm market for fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products. It also organized Hayrides for exploration of the farm. The farm comprises Golf area, Pumpkin Land, fishing area, Gift shops and swim club.

Linvilla Orchards Address

The address of Linvilla Orchards is 137 West Knowlton Road, Media, Pennsylvania 19063, United States.

Linvilla Orchards Email Address

The email address of Linvilla Orchards is

Linvilla Orchards Website

The Website of Linvilla Orchards is

Linvilla Orchards Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Linvilla Orchards is +1 610-876-7116 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Linvilla Orchards Service Center and Linvilla Orchards customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Linvilla Orchards customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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