Logan Hyperdome Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Logan Hyperdome is +61 7 3801 9188 .
Logan Hyperdome is a multiplex shopping mall lies in Shailer Park, Queensland. It is owned and managed by QIC. The shopping mall was established in July 1989. The total retail floor area is spread in an area of about 81,000 square meters. It is one of the biggest shopping malls in the city Logan. The Hyperdome shopping center has approximately 220 stores including Allphones, Coles, Goodlife Health Clubs, Dick Smith Electronics and more. There is Hyperplex cinemas facilities available which has 12 screen cinema complex. It has facility of more than 4200 parking spaces. The address and contact number of Logan Hyperdome is also used for Logan Hyperdome Medical Centre, Logan Hyperdome Doctors, Logan Hyperdome Post Office and Logan Hyperdome Centre Management.

Logan Hyperdome Address

The address of Logan Hyperdome is Pacific Highway, Loganholme Queensland 4129, Australia.

Logan Hyperdome Website

The Website of Logan Hyperdome is www.hyperdomeshopping.com.au.

Logan Hyperdome Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Logan Hyperdome is +61 7 3801 9188 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Logan Hyperdome Service Center and Logan Hyperdome customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Logan Hyperdome customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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