Lok Sabha Tv Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lok Sabha Tv is +91011-23739593, 23737142 .
Lok Sabha Television was launched in 1989 as Doordarshan which became lok Sabha TV in the year 2005. This is a Channel operated by government of India to make the people aware of government proceedings as well as public affairs. The channel also provides live and recorded shows of the lok Sabha and also covers the conferences of Rajya Sabha. Earlier, the Lok Sabha TV is leaded by the famous media expert and the originator of association of Radio broadcasters of India (AROI) Rajiv Mishra but in 2006, it was owned by the Lok Sabha Party. Other than Lok Sabha TV, Prasar Bharti is also a dedicated channel of the government.

Lok Sabha Tv Address

The address of Lok Sabha Tv is 23, Mahadev Road, Behind Akashvani Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, India.

Lok Sabha Tv Email Address

The email address of Lok Sabha Tv is info@lstv.nic.in.

Lok Sabha Tv Website

The Website of Lok Sabha Tv is loksabhatv.nic.in.

Lok Sabha Tv Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lok Sabha Tv is +91011-23739593, 23737142 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lok Sabha Tv Service Center and Lok Sabha Tv customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lok Sabha Tv customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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