Lone Peak High School Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lone Peak High School is +1 801-717-4568 .
Lone Peak High School is briefly called as LPHS which is a coeducational secondary school. The school started its journey in the year 1997. It works under Alpine School District which is an educational board of public schools in the state of Utah. Lone Peak High School gives education to the students of 10-12 grades. The school publishes its own newspaper namely Crusader and yearbook which is Eplc. The school provides sports facilities to their students, its teams are basketball, soccer, swimming, golf and tennis. Teams has participated in several championships such as basket ball (2001, 2008), soccer 2005, swimming 1998 and lots more. Fax Number: +1-(801) 763-7064.
The address and contact number of Lone Peak High School is also used for Lone Peak High School Football, Lone Peak High School Calendar, Lone Peak High School Teachers and Lone Peak High School Seminary.

Lone Peak High School Address

The address of Lone Peak High School is 10189 N 4800 W, Highland, Utah 84003, United States.

Lone Peak High School Website

The Website of Lone Peak High School is www.lphs.alpineschools.org.

Lone Peak High School Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lone Peak High School is +1 801-717-4568 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lone Peak High School Service Center and Lone Peak High School customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lone Peak High School customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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