Lower Huron Metropark Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lower Huron Metropark is (734) 697-9181 .
The Lower Huron Metropark is a regional park located in Lower Peninsula, Wayne County, Michigan, United States. The park covers the area of 1,258 acres of mature woodlands and Grassy meadows along the Huron River. It is operated by the Huron- Clinton Metroparks. The park has Par-3 golf course, nature trials and hike-bike trials. The park also offers picnic areas and volleyball and tennis courts. During the winter the park has frozen Ice ponds, Cross Country skiing and ice skating ponds. The Turtle Cove Family Aquatic Center and the water slide amusement facility are also present inside the park.

Lower Huron Metropark Address

The address of Lower Huron Metropark is 17845 Savage Road Belleville, Michigan 48111.

Lower Huron Metropark Website

The Website of Lower Huron Metropark is www.metroparks.com.

Lower Huron Metropark Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lower Huron Metropark is (734) 697-9181 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lower Huron Metropark Service Center and Lower Huron Metropark customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lower Huron Metropark customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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