Luminox Watches Peoria Illinois Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Luminox Watches Peoria Illinois is +1-309-6838609 .
Luminox, which is an inventing and manufacturing company of watches, and belongs to Switzerland. Luminox has installed its main office in San Rafael, California to operate business across the world. Luminox brand was unfolded by Barry Cohen in 1989, and during its journey, the brand has manufactured watches for several groups like the Heliswiss team, the US Bobsled Team, US Air Force, US Coast Guard and United States Navy SEALs. Besides this, Luminox has also produced watches for some other special forces, EMS teams and common people.

Luminox Watches Peoria Illinois Address

The address of Luminox Watches Peoria Illinois is 7501, North Harker Drive, Peoria, Illinois 61615, USA.

Luminox Watches Peoria Illinois Website

The Website of Luminox Watches Peoria Illinois is

Luminox Watches Peoria Illinois Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Luminox Watches Peoria Illinois is +1-309-6838609 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Luminox Watches Peoria Illinois Service Center and Luminox Watches Peoria Illinois customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Luminox Watches Peoria Illinois customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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