Magic 98 3 Saskatoon Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Magic 98 3 Saskatoon is +1 (306) 938-9800 / 732-249-2600 .
Magic 98.3 is the radio station of Canada that broadcasts different music formats within the state of Saskatoon in Canada. The radio station broadcasts the music and classical hits at the frequency of 98.3 MHz and at an Effective radiated power (ERP) of 100,000 Watts. Magic 98.3 is branded as 98 COOL FM and is also known with the name of CJMK-FM. The radio station is owned by Saskatoon Media Group. The radio station has 2 sister stations with the name of CKBL-FM (92.9 MHz FM-The Bull) and CJWW (600 AM). The slogan represented by the radio station is Music That Makes You Feel Good. The first song played was Goody Two Shoes by Adam Ant while the last song played was Dark Horse by Amanda Marshall on 'Magic 98.3'. CJMK-FM (Magic 98.3) radio station was approved in 2000 and was launched in 2001 by Hildebrand Communications.

Contact Details Of Magic 98.3 Saskatoon

For information regarding Magic 98.3 Saskatoon call to the representatives at the numbers given below:
Telephone: 732-249-2600 (Business Phone)
Telephone: 732-545-8275 (Contest Line)

Working Hours At Magic 98.3 Saskatoon

Customers who have queries or complaints regarding Magic 98.3 Saskatoon can interact with the officials during the given hours:
Monday to Friday: 08:30AM - 05:30PM

Careers At Magic 98.3 Saskatoon

Magic 98.3 Saskatoon is seeking for talented applicants with various skills. Magic 98.3 Saskatoon offers equal employment opportunities without any discrimination of caste, creed and color. One who is interested to be a part of an outstanding media association, Magic 98.3 Saskatoon is a right place where future can be brighten. For more information, visit at this site:

Magic 98 3 Saskatoon Address

The address of Magic 98 3 Saskatoon is Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Magic 98 3 Saskatoon Website

The Website of Magic 98 3 Saskatoon is

Magic 98 3 Saskatoon Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Magic 98 3 Saskatoon is +1 (306) 938-9800 / 732-249-2600 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Magic 98 3 Saskatoon Service Center and Magic 98 3 Saskatoon customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Magic 98 3 Saskatoon customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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