Mangeshi Temple Goa Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Mangeshi Temple Goa is +91-832 234 3338, +91 832 2343904 .
Shri Mangeshi Temple is the most visited temple in Goa. It is located just twenty two kilometer away from Panaji. Foreigns are restricted in the temple, because of their Dress and conduct. It is dedicated to Manguesh (Shiva); sometime the temple is also known as Saib by the local residents. Shri Mangeshi temple is famous for pillars that are most beautiful in the area. Other features of the temple include seven-storeyed deepstambha, magnificent water tank, a prominent Nandi Bull and a spacious hall. The hall can provide accommodation to 500 devotees. The address and contact number of Mangeshi Temple Goa is also used for Mangeshi Temple Goa Accommodation, Mangeshi Festival, Mangeshi Temple Goa Location and Mangeshi Temple Goa Timings.

Mangeshi Temple Goa Address

The address of Mangeshi Temple Goa is Dinanath Mangeshkar Road, Mardol, Goa 403404 India.

Mangeshi Temple Goa Website

The Website of Mangeshi Temple Goa is

Mangeshi Temple Goa Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Mangeshi Temple Goa is +91-832 234 3338, +91 832 2343904 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Mangeshi Temple Goa Service Center and Mangeshi Temple Goa customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Mangeshi Temple Goa customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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