Masterskill Cheras Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Masterskill Cheras is 60390805888, Fax : 60390801995 .
Masterskill global college is a health science educational college which has a record of producing efficient healthcare professionals or experts and it is located in cheras, Selangor. It offers various courses such as Bachelor of Science in Business administration, Diploma in Pharmacy, Master o Science in Healthcare Management, Diploma in Nursing, diploma in healthcare, bachelor of Physiotherapy, Diploma in Medical Imaging, Occupational therapy and much more. It has also established several campuses throughout the Malaysia i.e. Kota Kinabula, Kola Bharu, Kuching and Ipoh. Apart from these locations, the college also offers education to Northern, southern and East Coast of the Malaysia.

Masterskill Cheras Address

The address of Masterskill Cheras is G-8, Jalan Kemacahaya 11, Taman Kemacahaya, Batu 9, 43200 Cheras Selangor.

Masterskill Cheras Email Address

The email address of Masterskill Cheras is

Masterskill Cheras Website

The Website of Masterskill Cheras is

Masterskill Cheras Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Masterskill Cheras is 60390805888, Fax : 60390801995 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Masterskill Cheras Service Center and Masterskill Cheras customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Masterskill Cheras customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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