Maybank Penang Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Maybank Penang is +6042620722 .
Maybank is a public financial firm which was established on 31st May 1960 at Malaysia. Since its origin, the bank has become the largest Bank of Malaysia, which is also having 401 domestic branches. One of its branches in Malaysia is located in Penang. Maybank Penang is well-famous for dealing with banking as well as financial services. In 2013, the survey of Forbes Global 2000 has proclaimed that Maybank is prestigiously listed as the leading company of the world. It offers a great variety of services and products including Offshore banking, factoring, nominee services, investment services, internet banking, hire purchase and much more.
Recently, the bank has indulged itself in the field of Islamic banking through the Maybank Islamic Berhad as well as shown interest in insurance through its one of the subsidiary i.e. Etiqa International Holdings. Due to its extensive services, the brand has marked its strong presence throughout the world. In a research, it has found that Maybank is ranked as First Financial Bank among the other Banks of the Malaysia and also ranked 134th among the 1000 other banks located throughout the world.

Maybank Penang Address

The address of Maybank Penang is Penang Road Branch, 1 Arked Ria Satu Komtar, 10000 Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia.

Maybank Penang Email Address

The email address of Maybank Penang is

Maybank Penang Website

The Website of Maybank Penang is

Maybank Penang Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Maybank Penang is +6042620722 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Maybank Penang Service Center and Maybank Penang customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Maybank Penang customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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