Mcas Iwakuni Japan Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Mcas Iwakuni Japan is 0827-79-1110, 0827-79-5551 .
Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni (MCAS Iwakuni) built in 1940 is the only United States Marine Corps Air Station located in the City of Iwakuni, Yamaguchi, Japan. Japanese bought the land in 1938 to set up a naval air station and commissioned on 08 July 1940. After the World War II the military air base was used by the military forces from other countries. In 1952 it became the official air base of United States. Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport (IWK : Iata airport code) , the new airport terminal for commercial flights was dedicated on 13 December, 2012. MCAS open the gates of Iwakuni and hosts largest air shows every year on 05 May to commemorate the Friendship day between the two nations, Japan & US.

Mcas Iwakuni Japan Address

The address of Mcas Iwakuni Japan is TLF Facility, 5th Avenue, Building 411, PSC 561 Box 1863, MCAS Iwakuni, Japan.

Mcas Iwakuni Japan Email Address

The email address of Mcas Iwakuni Japan is

Mcas Iwakuni Japan Website

The Website of Mcas Iwakuni Japan is

Mcas Iwakuni Japan Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Mcas Iwakuni Japan is 0827-79-1110, 0827-79-5551 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Mcas Iwakuni Japan Service Center and Mcas Iwakuni Japan customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Mcas Iwakuni Japan customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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