Micromax Orissa Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Micromax Orissa is +91-674-6590346, +91-9124262874 .
Micromax Informatics Limited is one of the India's biggest cell phone producing firms, which is presents mobile devices and LED TVs. It was established in the year of 1991, corporate office is located in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. Today, Micromax Informatics has become the Pioneer service provider of mobile phones and wireless technologies services to the mobile users. The company offers a whole range of consumer Electronic products including mobiles phones, smart-phones, LED televisions, data cards, funbook, smart stick, audio player and feature phones. It is provides its products and services through the retailers, distributors and micromax store in domestic and internaional markets. Sruti Tele Services has an authorised service centers of Micromax, which is located in Plot No 4/243, 1st Floor, IRC Village, Dist Khurda, Navapally, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

Micromax Orissa Address

The address of Micromax Orissa is Plot No 4/243, 1st Floor, IRC Village, Dist Khurda, Navapally, Bhubaneswar, Orissa 751015, India.

Micromax Orissa Email Address

The email address of Micromax Orissa is srutiteleservices_bhubaneswar@mmxcheckpoint.com.

Micromax Orissa Website

The Website of Micromax Orissa is www.micromaxinfo.com.

Micromax Orissa Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Micromax Orissa is +91-674-6590346, +91-9124262874 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Micromax Orissa Service Center and Micromax Orissa customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Micromax Orissa customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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