Mom Singapore Contact, Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Mom Singapore Contact, is +65 6438 5122 .
With the lightning fast growth of the country Singapore, the requirement of manpower seems to be growing exponentially. Ministry of Manpower Singapore (MOM) comes under the ambit and purview of the government of Singapore that works for the creation and execution of policies that are designed for the manpower in Singapore. The ministry works for the formulation of policies that look after creating employment opportunities for the people of Singapore ensuring them a good life and healthy retirement. With its Clear perspective of “A Excellent Employees, A Excellent Workplace”, Ministry of Manpower shows the fact that effective and productive workplace can be designed only by human power. The Ministry of Manpower harnesses untapped Talent within the society and help improve the skills of workers so that they can gain expertise in their fields of interest. Comprehending the competitiveness and the economic Flow in the market MOM works to groom the workforce which can lead them to a desired future. MOM also looks after the nuances and intricacies of industrial operations that include disputes and claims, work-life balances, international labor relations, unions and many more. Today MOM is investing largely in developing workers skills so that they get higher wages and work at higher standards. MOM also Aims to shoot up the productivity growth of Singapore by 2-3%in next ten years. The most vital and important factor of safety is always given top-most priority by MOM. Ensuring every safety for its workers, every care is taken to prevent any fatal events taking place at site. MOM has proved to be an organization that works with a holistic approach towards the growth and advancement of society.

Mom Singapore Contact, Address

The address of Mom Singapore Contact, is 18, Havelock Road, Singapore 059764.

Mom Singapore Contact, Email Address

The email address of Mom Singapore Contact, is

Mom Singapore Contact, Website

The Website of Mom Singapore Contact, is

Mom Singapore Contact, Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Mom Singapore Contact, is +65 6438 5122 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Mom Singapore Contact, Service Center and Mom Singapore Contact, customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Mom Singapore Contact, customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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