Phone Number of
Mts Trichy is
9150857816, 9150865559 .
On December 2008, A telecommunications company was established in India named Mobile TeleSystems or MTS. It is an industry of broadband Internet, messaging, wireless voice and data services. The company provides many products in India such as Smart Phones, Recharge Coupons, MBlaze Moble Wi-Fi Router, Prepaid Mobile, MTS Talky-FWP, Hi-Speed Data Cards and Postpaid Mobile etc. MTS customer services include After Sales Data service support, Query, Request and Complaint resolution under one roof, Value Added Services, Single window and hospitality lounge for end to end, Customer Education and Infotainment Centre, Bill Payment/Duplicate Bills, Services with a personal touch, Data demo zones and experience centers, After Sales Handset service support etc. MTS has an authorised service center located on Nagai Road, Trichy, Tanjore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Mts Trichy Address
The address of Mts Trichy is No-152/2292, Andavar Rice Mill Vanigavalagam, VS Complex, Thandapillai Gate No-1, Nagai Road, Trichy, Tanjore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Mts Trichy Website
The Website of Mts Trichy is
Mts Trichy Customer Support Service Phone Number
The customer support phone number of Mts Trichy is
9150857816, 9150865559 (Click phone number to call).
The postal and
official address, email address and
phone number (
helpline) of
Mts Trichy Service Center and
Mts Trichy customer phone number is given below. The
helpline of Mts Trichy customer phone number may or may not be
toll free.
Click Here To View Mts Trichy Customer Service Phone Numbers