Nec Singapore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Nec Singapore is (65) 6273 8333, (65) 6278 1818 .
NEC Corporation is a world's leading IT services company that was setup on 17 July 1899. The company has its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. Kaoru Yano is the chairman and Nobuhiro Endo is the president of the company. It employs more than 109,102 people worldwide. The company operates subsidiaries are NEC Corporation of America and NEC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Singapore. NEC Corporation started its journey in Singapore as NEC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd in 1977. The company offers a number of products and services such as Telecommunications equipment, Servers, Consumer electronics, Domestic appliances, Lighting etc. The Corresponding services of Nec Singapore service center are Nec Singapore salary, Nec Projector Singapore and Nec Singapore office address.

Nec Singapore Address

The address of Nec Singapore is 80 Bendemeer Road, No- 05-02 Hyflux Innovation Centre, Singapore 339949.

Nec Singapore Website

The Website of Nec Singapore is

Nec Singapore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Nec Singapore is (65) 6273 8333, (65) 6278 1818 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nec Singapore Service Center and Nec Singapore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Nec Singapore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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