Nottingham Building Society Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Nottingham Building Society is 0844-481-1224, 0115-956-4403 .
The Nottingham Building Society is a property consultant cum financial service provider. This society was established in 1849. This is the world's largest building society spread around various nationwide. This organization was founded by the famous philanthropist and abolitionist of Nottingham Late Mr. Samuel Fox. The objective of this society is to provide affordable and beneficial schemes and promoting of construction of dwellings. This was the first society who launched online banking in 1983. The company is also dealing in investment management, mortgages and saving plans with a heap of features to attracting the consumers. The Chief Executive Officer of this banking and financial society is David Marlow. The contact timings are 8AM till 7Pm in the evening. The address and contact number of Nottingham Building Society is also used for Nottingham Building Society Sheffield, Nottingham Building Society Intermediaries, Nottingham Building Society Opening Times and Nottingham Building Society Isa.

Nottingham Building Society Address

The address of Nottingham Building Society is 5/13, Upper Parliament Street, Nottingham, NG12BX, England.

Nottingham Building Society Email Address

The email address of Nottingham Building Society is

Nottingham Building Society Website

The Website of Nottingham Building Society is

Nottingham Building Society Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Nottingham Building Society is 0844-481-1224, 0115-956-4403 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nottingham Building Society Service Center and Nottingham Building Society customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Nottingham Building Society customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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