Onkyo Berlin Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Onkyo Berlin is +49-30-8554044 .
Onkyo Corporation is an electronics company based in Japan, and the company was founded on September 17, 1946 with the name of Osaka Denki Onkyo K.K, and in the next year, the name had been changed into Osaka Onkyo KK. In 1961, the company had opened Kori factory in Neyagawa City, and in 1968, it had established its new Nisshin Factory in Neyagawa City of Osaka. The company name had been converted into Onkyo Corporation in September of 1971. After one year of name change, the company came in Germany as a sales company. After that, the company entered in the all major countries of the world. The company's command office is located in Neyagawa, Osaka, Japan to control its all subsidiaries located across the globe. The company is specialized in the manufacturing of home theater and audio component including receivers and surround sound speakers. Besides this, the company is also engaged in the making of Hi-fi audio-visual equipment, ICs, speaker units and related accessories. In Berlin of Germany, Onkyo has many service centers, and one of them located on below written address. Fax No: +49-30-8551321.

Onkyo Berlin Address

The address of Onkyo Berlin is Egon Lehmann Hifi-Service, Kluckstr. 32-34, D-10785, Berlin, Germany.

Onkyo Berlin Email Address

The email address of Onkyo Berlin is hselehmann@aol.com.

Onkyo Berlin Website

The Website of Onkyo Berlin is www.onkyo.com.

Onkyo Berlin Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Onkyo Berlin is +49-30-8554044 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Onkyo Berlin Service Center and Onkyo Berlin customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Onkyo Berlin customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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