Orient Fans Jaipur Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Orient Fans Jaipur is 0141-4059637 .
Orient is one of the India's famous brands of fans and lighting solutions and it has came as the biggest producer and exporter of fans in the country. Our products are made with various and different kinds of air circulation and illumination. The company provides fans in different types including table fans, wall mounted fans, stand fans, exhaust fans, ceiling fans and Multi utility fans etc. Orient Fans is a subsidiary of C K Birla Group. It is a well known Indian business house in the 4 continents and it is involved in the business segments of cements, consumer electricals, precision bearings, heavy engineering products, papers, Building products, automobiles, Auto components, healthcare, education and ITES. Vasundhara International is one of the authorised service centers of Orient Fans, which is located in Kamal Vrindavan, Meera Marg, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Orient Fans Jaipur Address

The address of Orient Fans Jaipur is D-2(B), Kamal Vrindavan, Meera Marg, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Orient Fans Jaipur Email Address

The email address of Orient Fans Jaipur is vasundhara_int@yahoo.com.

Orient Fans Jaipur Website

The Website of Orient Fans Jaipur is www.orientfans.com.

Orient Fans Jaipur Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Orient Fans Jaipur is 0141-4059637 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Orient Fans Jaipur Service Center and Orient Fans Jaipur customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Orient Fans Jaipur customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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