Peterborough Football Ground Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Peterborough Football Ground is 01733 563 947 .
Peterborough United Football Club was established in 1934. It is a professional English football club based in Peterborough.
They won six times; gradually being confessed to the Soccer Group in 1960, changing Gateshead. Their home floor is London, Uk Street and the team handle is The Stylish. After being directed from the Tournament on the ultimate day of the 2012–13 year, the team will contend in Group One in the 2013–14 year. Their maximum completing position in the Soccer Group steps was Tenth in the Tournament. Improvement ongoing in the group and a play-off position was clinched on the last day of the year despite a 1–0 beat to winners Brentford. The following weeks time, Huddersfield City came to London, uk Street for the first leg of the Partial Last. Leader Mick Halsall's last moment equaliser levelled the ranking at 2–2. Three times later, the followers journeyed northern more in wish than anticipations but they were compensated when the group came from a objective Down to win 2–1 with Worrell Sterling and Bob Cooper reviewing the objectives. The address and contact number of Peterborough Football Ground is also used for Peterborough football ground postcode, Peterborough Fc postcode and Peterborough new stadium.

Other useful info:
Ticket Office No: 01733 865 674
Fax No: 01733 344 140
Pitch Size: 112 x 76 yards
Team Nickname: The Posh
Year Ground Opened: 1934
Shirt Sponsors: energypark Peterborough
Home Kit Colours: Blue & White
Away Kit Colours: Red & Black Hoops
3rd Kit Colours: White With Black Trim
Kit Manufacturers: Nike

Peterborough Football Ground Address

The address of Peterborough Football Ground is London Road, Peterborough, PE2 8AL, United Kingdom.

Peterborough Football Ground Website

The Website of Peterborough Football Ground is

Peterborough Football Ground Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Peterborough Football Ground is 01733 563 947 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Peterborough Football Ground Service Center and Peterborough Football Ground customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Peterborough Football Ground customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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