Shinde Chatri Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Shinde Chatri is +910202612 8169 .
The Shinde Chhatri is a historical place of 18nth Century situated in the Wanowrie, pune, India. It was developed for the services of the Mahadji Shinde as the commander-in-chief of the Maratha Empire. It is a memorable attraction and one of the most significant landmarks in the City and is reminiscent of the rule of Peshwas. This place was constructed during 1794. This architecture of this building is based on Anglo-Rajasthani style which makes it one of the unique and finest blending of the two totally different cultures.

Shinde Chatri Address

The address of Shinde Chatri is Wanowrie, Pune, India.

Shinde Chatri Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Shinde Chatri is +910202612 8169 (Click phone number to call).

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