Taj President Mumbai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Taj President Mumbai is +91022 6665 0808, +91 22 6665 0303 .
Vivanta by Taj President is a five star luxury Hotel located at Cuff Parade, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is located at a distance of four-kilometers from the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport and five-kilometers from the Marine Drive. The hotel has more than two-hundred and ninety Cosmopolitan rooms with modern architecture and the rooms are divided into various categories including Superior Charm, Deluxe Delight, Premium Indulgence, Deluxe Allure Suite and Premium Temptation Suite. The Vivanta By Taj President Hotel offers state-of-the-art facilities to the guests with amazing hospitality. The room facilities provided by the hotel include modern and air-conditioned rooms decorated with silk fabrics and equipped with LCD Television with home theater system, study table and chair, I-pod docking station, Dual line telephones, electronic safe, free Wi-Fi, tea and coffee makers, mineral water, bathrooms equipped with modern facilities, bathrobes, hair dryer, towels and bath amenities. The hotel amenities include fitness center, Jiva Spa, salon, outdoor swimming pool, three well-equipped halls, Business Center with Internet access, free parking facility, gift shop, ball room, rooftop banqueting space and travel desk. The hotel offers various dining options to the guests including restaurant-cum-bar serving authentic Thai cuisine, Italian specialty Restaurant, Konkan Café and open kitchen.

Taj President Mumbai Address

The address of Taj President Mumbai is 90, GD Somani Road, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400005, India.

Taj President Mumbai Website

The Website of Taj President Mumbai is www.vivantabytaj.com.

Taj President Mumbai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Taj President Mumbai is +91022 6665 0808, +91 22 6665 0303 (Click phone number to call).

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