Toronto Police College Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Toronto Police College is +1-416-808-4800, (416)-808-2222 .
The Toronto Police College is an official arm of the Toronto Police Services which is an Integral part of the Ministry of Defense of the Government of the Canada. In Addition, in T.P.C., they are engaged in highly motivated training courses to the new comers in the police department. The senior managers provide training to them with sophisticated and comprehensive course materials. This training program is mandatory for the new recruits in the police department. The officers learn how to make own selves in the complex situations while protecting the other citizens through this training program. The college has several accreditations from other public institutions like the Guelph University etc. This college features fully equipped computer labs, sophisticated Internet service, fitness center and shooting ranges for the overall development of the Personality of the officers. The address and contact number of Toronto Police College is also used for Toronto Police College Street, Toronto Police College St, Toronto Police Museum, Toronto Police Chief, Toronto Police Training and Education and Toronto Police Rovers .

Toronto Police College Address

The address of Toronto Police College is 70, Birmingham Street, Toronto, ON-M8V3W6, Ontario, Canada.

Toronto Police College Website

The Website of Toronto Police College is

Toronto Police College Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Toronto Police College is +1-416-808-4800, (416)-808-2222 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Toronto Police College Service Center and Toronto Police College customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Toronto Police College customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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