University of Aberdeen Law School Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of University of Aberdeen Law School is +44 (0)1224 274260, Fax: +44 (0)1224 272442 .
University of Aberdeen Law School is a law institute within the University of Aberdeen and affiliated with the university itself. The Law school was established near the establishment of the University in the year 1495 by William Elphinstone who was Bishop of Aberdeen at that time and himself previously served as a lawyer in the city. The institute offers education in several graduate, post graduate, doctorate law courses and diploma courses like Diploma in Legal Practice and Professional Competence Course. In the LLB course offered by the institute it gave the students opportunity to go for studies to other countries and learn their law system. The address and contact number of University of Aberdeen Law School is also used for Aberdeen Uni Law Entry Requirements, University of Aberdeen Law School Ranking, University of Aberdeen Law Society and University of Aberdeen Law Fair .

University of Aberdeen Law School Address

The address of University of Aberdeen Law School is School of Law, Taylor Building Aberdeen, AB24 3UB, Scotland.

University of Aberdeen Law School Website

The Website of University of Aberdeen Law School is

University of Aberdeen Law School Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Aberdeen Law School is +44 (0)1224 274260, Fax: +44 (0)1224 272442 (Click phone number to call).

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