University of Dundee Dalhousie Building Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of University of Dundee Dalhousie Building is 01382 223181 .
The Dalhousie Building of University of Dundee is an academic building which is located at Old Hawkhill, Dundee City, United Kingdom. The building includes forty teaching/seminar rooms, four large lecture theaters and many IT suites. The Dalhousie Building was named in the respect of the University's second Chancellor, The Earl of Dalhousie. In the Dalhousie building, special lecture events are presented per year. The world's great thinkers come there, to give their views on different topics. Some of the thinkers are Jung Chang, Naomi Klein, Simon Singh, Evan Davis etc. The University of Dundee is a public coeducational university which offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Professor Peter Downes is the principal of the university.

University of Dundee Dalhousie Building Address

The address of University of Dundee Dalhousie Building is Old Hawkhill, Dundee City, United Kingdom.

University of Dundee Dalhousie Building Website

The Website of University of Dundee Dalhousie Building is

University of Dundee Dalhousie Building Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Dundee Dalhousie Building is 01382 223181 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of University of Dundee Dalhousie Building Service Center and University of Dundee Dalhousie Building customer phone number is given below. The helpline of University of Dundee Dalhousie Building customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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