University of Portsmouth Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of University of Portsmouth is +44 23 9284 8484 .
University of Portsmouth is a public university established in 1992 based in Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom. It offers various programs in undergraduate and postgraduate level in Accounting, Economics and Finance, Art and Design, Biological Sciences, Business and Management, Computing and Creative Technologies, History, Politics and Social Studies, Architecture, Civil Engineering and Surveying, Mathematics and Physics, English, Film, Journalism and Media, Law and Criminology any many more. The University has about 2,204 faculty members and more than 21,827 students. It has furnished with Urban facilities. The university is affiliated by University Alliance, Association of Commonwealth Universities and among others. Sandi Toksvig is the chancellor of the university. The address and contact number of University of Portsmouth is also used for University of Portsmouth Ranking, University of Portsmouth Distance Learning, University of Portsmouth Postgraduate and University of Portsmouth Student Portal.

University of Portsmouth Address

The address of University of Portsmouth is University House, Winston Churchill Ave, Portsmouth PO1 2UP, United Kingdom.

University of Portsmouth Website

The Website of University of Portsmouth is

University of Portsmouth Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Portsmouth is +44 23 9284 8484 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of University of Portsmouth Service Center and University of Portsmouth customer phone number is given below. The helpline of University of Portsmouth customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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