Verizon Fios Ny Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Verizon Fios Ny is 888-526-9225 .
Verizon Communications Inc is the leading telecommunications company that was established on 7 October 1983 as Bell Atlantic. Verizon has its corporate headquarter at 140 West Street, Verizon Building, New York City, United States. It has about 188,200 employees. The company is offering largest range of services include- Fixed-line and mobile telephony, broadband and fixed-line internet services, digital television and network services. Verizon works in over 150 countries across the globe. This company is the 2nd biggest fixed telephony provider in the United States. Lowell McAdam is the chairman, president and Chief Executive Officer of Verizon. It has total Net Income of US$ 2.4 billion and Revenue US$ 110.875 billion in the end of 2011. It has a number of authorized service centers which are located in each major city of United States. Verizon provides local landline services in over eleven states in the United States. The Corresponding services of Verizon Fios Ny service center are Verizon Fios customer service Ny, Verizon Fios customer service center locations and Verizon Fios channel lineup Ny.

Verizon Fios Ny Address

The address of Verizon Fios Ny is 2721 Bronxwood Avenue, Bronx, NY 10469, New York, United States.

Verizon Fios Ny Website

The Website of Verizon Fios Ny is

Verizon Fios Ny Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Verizon Fios Ny is 888-526-9225 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Verizon Fios Ny Service Center and Verizon Fios Ny customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Verizon Fios Ny customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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