Victoria Courthouse Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Victoria Courthouse is (250) 356-1478, (250) 356-1496, 250) 356-1221 .
Victoria court is among the busiest courts in province, which hears about 50% of family law cases, small claims (lass than $25,000) and many cases in which offenders are young. The Provincial Courts have around 150 judges, who operate at more than eighty locations across the province. These courts hear more than 240000 cases annually. The court is built by the Provincial Court Act and is among the two trial courts in BC. It also hears the Federal related cases which include Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Income Tax Act, etc. The address and contact number of Victoria Courthouse is also used for Victoria Courthouse Schedule, Victoria Courthouse Burdett, Victoria Court Registry and Victoria Courthouse Jobs.

Other Important Contacts:
Judicial Case Managers: (250) 356-1034
Fax No: (250) 387-3822, (250) 387-3822, (250) 387-3822

Victoria Courthouse Address

The address of Victoria Courthouse is 850 Burdett Avenue, Victoria, BC V8W 1B4 Canada.

Victoria Courthouse Website

The Website of Victoria Courthouse is

Victoria Courthouse Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Victoria Courthouse is (250) 356-1478, (250) 356-1496, 250) 356-1221 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Victoria Courthouse Service Center and Victoria Courthouse customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Victoria Courthouse customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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