Victoria Park London Ontario Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Victoria Park London Ontario is +1-519-672-1522, 020-7364-7971, 020-7364-5393 .
Victoria Park is is oldest public park, and it is one of the most significant Ancient parks situated in London, Ontario. The park has been used by Incredible number of Londoners for approximately 170 years as a place of healthier recreation, activities, perform and pleasure.

The Victoria Park was created in the year of 1874 which is operated by City of London. It is supposedly to be one of the most significant developed scenery of the Nineteenth millennium, our 6-hectare park area (15-acre), and a unusual high-class have fun with in the center of a town's downtown.

It is the biggest in Tower Hamlets, a London borough, and is outlined on its north border by the London, Borough of Hackney. The park provides a huge personal inhabitant in both boroughs and also draws many guests and tourists from outside of the borough.

Victoria Park London Ontario Address

The address of Victoria Park London Ontario is 509 Clarence Street, London, ON N6A 3N1, Canada.

Victoria Park London Ontario Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Victoria Park London Ontario is +1-519-672-1522, 020-7364-7971, 020-7364-5393 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Victoria Park London Ontario Service Center and Victoria Park London Ontario customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Victoria Park London Ontario customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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