Vrl Logistics Mumbai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Vrl Logistics Mumbai is +91-22-2783-2752 .
VRL Logistics is the premier logistic and transportation company which has a large fleet of over 3673 conveyances consisting buses and transport conveyances. The company came into existence in the year 1976 in Gadag, Karnataka. It has listed on Limca Book of Record in view of largest fleet system. Vrl Logistics runs 878 branches and franchisees, spread in all over India. It provides a vast range of services pertaining to priority cargo, door to door delivery, courier service, full truckload services etc. The company has received various awards like the Apollo Fleet of the Year Award and Regional Award. The address and contact number of Vrl Logistics Mumbai is also used for Vrl Logistics Movers Mumbai, Jobs Vrl Logistics, Vrl Logistics Movers Thane and Vrl Logistics Sakinaka.

Vrl Logistics Mumbai Address

The address of Vrl Logistics Mumbai is Unit No.7 and 8, 1st Floor, Banaking Commercial Complex - II, Near APMC Market, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400705, Maharashtra, India.

Vrl Logistics Mumbai Email Address

The email address of Vrl Logistics Mumbai is mbimo@vrllogistics.com.

Vrl Logistics Mumbai Website

The Website of Vrl Logistics Mumbai is www.vrllogistics.com.

Vrl Logistics Mumbai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Vrl Logistics Mumbai is +91-22-2783-2752 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Vrl Logistics Mumbai Service Center and Vrl Logistics Mumbai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Vrl Logistics Mumbai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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