Walmart CA Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Walmart CA is 1-855-308-7295, 1-855-308-7295 .
Walmart Canada was set up on 17th March 1994. Walmart.CA has Head Quarters in Mississauga, Ontario. Walmart Canada is a Discount Department store that has got More Than three hundred stores in Canada comprising Environmental Demonstration store, Medicinal stores, Book stores, Trditional discount store and other super stores and is having about 90,000 associates. More than 95,000 workers have got employment in Walmart Canada. The stores of Walmart Canada has more than one Lakh different products including clothes, electronics, sweets, home decorations and other important services like Medicinal drugs and garden centres. In the bigning of the year 2006 Walmart.CA introduced a new branch in the city of Canada. Walmart.CA has occupied 102,000 square feet of Land.

Walmart.CA Store Services

Many of the stores of Walmart.CA have Cell Phone centers, Bank Branches, Restaurants, Law offices, Medicinal stores and other sweet shops. By visiting Walmart.CA, a customer finds easy access to every type of product and services that a customer needs. Walmart.CA consist of all types of customer services including Medicinal shops, Haircut shops, bank facilities, Garment shops and other many more such facilities that a customer feels no need to Roam to the whole city. Additionally, Walmart.CA also renders Free online shipping facility that saves a customers money. The main motive of Walmart.CA is to save the Canadians money that they can a better standard of living.

Walmart CA. Facebook link
Get the more information about Walmart.CA visit the Facebook social media link.

Walmart.CA twitter link
Know more about Walmart.CA use the twitter link.

Walmart CA Address

The address of Walmart CA is Head Quarters: Mississauga, Ontario.

Walmart CA Email Address

The email address of Walmart CA is

Walmart CA Website

The Website of Walmart CA is

Walmart CA Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Walmart CA is 1-855-308-7295, 1-855-308-7295 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Walmart CA Service Center and Walmart CA customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Walmart CA customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Walmart CA. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Walmart CA will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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