York Aircon Philippines Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of York Aircon Philippines is 02-553-9916 .
York International was established in 1874, and it is the previous name of this company which was started its journey in York, Pennsylvania. The company is a largest manufacturer of Electronic products such as air conditioners, refrigeration systems and heating systems. In the past time company was invested by six investors called George Buck, Robert Shetter, Stephen Morgan Smith, Oliver J. Bollinge , Jacob Loucks and Henry H. LaMotte. There after company made its own products like washing machines, refrigeration compressors, steam engines and farm machineries. The company supplies its electronic goods all over in the world and also servicing them providing by service centers. Procleaners Company Limited is an electronic goods service center located at Mandaluyong City which is providing all type of air-conditioning services like Ac installation, air conditioner cleaning, air conditioner washing, chemical cleaning, air conditioning unit services, AC maintenance services etc. The Corresponding services of York Aircon Philippines service center are York Aircon Philippines authorized service center and York Aircon Philippines review.

York Aircon Philippines Address

The address of York Aircon Philippines is 586, Sierra Madre Street, Unit 6A Kristine Apartelle, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.

York Aircon Philippines Website

The Website of York Aircon Philippines is www.york.com.

York Aircon Philippines Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of York Aircon Philippines is 02-553-9916 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of York Aircon Philippines Service Center and York Aircon Philippines customer phone number is given below. The helpline of York Aircon Philippines customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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