Zuri Hotel Bangalore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Zuri Hotel Bangalore is +91-806-665-7272 .
Zuri Hotel Bangalore is a chain hotel of The Zuri Hotels. It is situated in Whitefield, Bangalore, India. In Bangalore, it is one of the well known five star hotels, which is known for its exquisite comfort and convenience facilities. It offers 156 spacious guest rooms, 4 Executive Suites with 2 Presidential Suites, multi cuisine restaurants and bars, Spa Service, Meeting hall, General hall, conference hall, banquet hall and other outstanding facilities and amenities. The main attraction of the hotel is its Maya spa, a spa center and its multi cuisine restaurants namely Karibu, Incanto, Sake Pan Asian Restaurant and Lodge, Bling, Infinity a special barbecue. The address and contact number of Zuri Hotel Bangalore is also used for Zuri Hotel Bangalore restaurants, Zuri Hotel Bangalore wiki, Zuri Hotel Bangalore zomato, Zuri Hotel Bangalore images and Zuri Hotel Bangalore jobs.

Zuri Hotel Bangalore Address

The address of Zuri Hotel Bangalore is ITPL Road, Whitefield, Bangalore 560 048, Karnataka, India.

Zuri Hotel Bangalore Website

The Website of Zuri Hotel Bangalore is www.thezurihotels.com.

Zuri Hotel Bangalore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Zuri Hotel Bangalore is +91-806-665-7272 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Zuri Hotel Bangalore Service Center and Zuri Hotel Bangalore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Zuri Hotel Bangalore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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